書籍 | 図解 日本語と英語で学ぶ「排泄ケア」:Book | Illustrated Guide to Continence Care: Learnig in Japanese and English









 書籍 | 図解 日本語と英語で学ぶ「排泄ケア」

排泄用具の情報館むつき庵所長 浜田きよ子さん編著の新刊!



はじめに―企画者から 岡山 滋
はじめに―編著者から  浜田 きよ子

Ⅰ章 ケアの根底にあるもの
Ⅰ-1 排泄ケアの前に「ケアとは何か」を丁寧に考える必要があります。
Ⅰ-2 ケアの行く先

Ⅱ章 排泄ケアはなぜ重要なのか
Ⅱ-1 排泄の困りごとにはいろいろなものがあります。
Ⅱ-2 排泄の困りごとの原因を考えることは重要です。
Ⅱ-3 原因を丁寧に考えることから、具体的な対応につながります。
Ⅱ-4 より良い排泄ケアは、暮らし全体を変えていきます。

Ⅲ章 排泄の基本的な知識
Ⅲ-1 排泄の基本的な知識を学ぶ
Ⅲ-2 薬が与える影響
Ⅲ-3 トイレでの排泄を支援する福祉用具やトイレでの排泄が難しいときに役立つ福祉用具
Ⅲ-4 おむつの基本知識

Ⅳ章 おむつとスキンケア
Ⅳ-1 おむつの使用と皮膚への影響
Ⅳ-2 皮膚への影響を考慮したスキンケアについて
Ⅳ-3 より良い排泄ケアにつなげるために

Ⅴ章 認知症の方への排泄ケア
Ⅴ-1 認知症とはどのような病気か
Ⅴ-2 認知症の種類
Ⅴ-3 認知症を抱えた方の排泄ケア

おわりに 浜田 きよ子

【排泄用具の情報館 むつき庵について】

株式会社はいせつ総合研究所は、幅広い視点で排泄ケアを捉え、排泄にトラブルを抱える方や排泄ケアに関わる方々に適切な情報を提供するために設立され、京都市上京区に排泄用具の情報館 むつき庵を開設しています。

排泄用具の情報館 むつき庵は、約400種類の紙・布おむつやポータブルトイレ等の排泄用具を展示したり、おむつフィッター研修をはじめとする各種研修会を実施したりしています。




Item Description  

Book | Illustrated Guide to Continence Care: Learnig in Japanese and English

Introducing a new release edited by Kiyoko Hamada, Director of Mutsukian, an Information Center for Excretion Tools! This introductory book on continence care features both Japanese and English text for easy learning. 

With clear illustrations, the book is structured with Japanese on the left page and English translation on the right page. This format allows readers to compare and learn in both Japanese and English simultaneously. 

Inside page 

Introduction―From the Planner Shigeru Okayama
Introduction―From the Editor and Author Kiyoko Hamada

ChapterⅠ What underlies continence care
Ⅰ-1 Before providing continence care, it is important to thoroughly consider what care entails. 
Ⅰ-2 Goal of continence care

ChapterⅡ Why is continence care important?
Ⅱ-1 There are various challenges related to excretion.
Ⅱ-2 It is important to think about the cause of the problem of excretion.
Ⅱ-3 Careful consideration of the cause leads to a specific response.
Ⅱ-4 Better continence care will change the whole life

ChapterⅢ Basic knowledge of excretion
Ⅲ-1 Learn basic knowledge of excretion.
  • Let’s learn about urination.
  • Learn about defecation.
Ⅲ-2 Effect of drugs
Ⅲ-3 Welfare equipment that supports excretion in the toilet and useful when it is difficult to excretion in the toilet
  • (1)Welfare equipment that helps excretion in the toilet
  • (2)Welfare equipment that allows you to excrete in your room
Ⅲ-4 Bacic diaper knowledge
  • (1)Underwears and small pads for urine leakage
  • (2)Structure of disposable diapers
  • (3)Types of disposable diapers-Urine pads, Pull-on pants diapers, and Tape-fastening disposable diapers
ChapterⅣ Diapers and skincare
Ⅳ-1  The impact of diaper usage on the skin
  • (1)Elderly skin
  • (2)Effects of diaper use on the skin
  • (3)Effects on the skin due to stimulation of excrement and inappropriate skin care
Ⅳ-2 Care considering the impact on the skin
  • (1)Skin care to prevent skin troubles
  • (2)Things to be careful not to damage the skin
  • (3)Examination of continence care considering the effects on the skin
ChapterⅤ Continence care for people with dementia
V-1  What kind of disease is dementia?
V-2  Types of dementia
V-3  Continence care for people with dementia

To conclude with, Kiyoko Hamada-

【About "Information Center for Excretion Tools - Mutsukian"】 

Established by Haisetsu Comprehensive Research Institute, Mutsukian is an information center for excretion tools located in Kamigyo-ku, Kyoto. The institute was founded with the aim of comprehensively addressing continence care and providing appropriate information to those facing challenges related to excretion, as well as professionals involved in continence care. 

Mutsukian showcases approximately 400 types of excretion tools, including paper and cloth diapers, portable toilets, and conducts various training sessions such as omutsufitter training. The center is dedicated to offering valuable resources and expertise to individuals and professionals dealing with excretion-related concerns. 


Photo source: "Information Center for Excretion Tools - Mutsukian"
  • 商品コード
  • 製造元
    :排泄用具の情報館 むつき庵
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